There are nearly 7 billion people on the planet, and we get time only to be friends with approximately 30 of them. As you can see the choice is really tough. But you came across as someone I need to know come what may. I will be honest, when I met you, you are little too unsure of yourself, A little too weird even by my standard. It took me a while to realize how amazing and smart you are. I ignored your values as rigidity I resented your love as licentiousness. I overlook your courage as brashness. But I am proud to say that despite of my narrow mindedness I get a chance to know you better.

People like me are convinced that nothing can be done and we cannot overcome our circumstances. And most of us are oblivious of the fact that our circumstances are outcome of our thoughts and that our mind in itself have ability make heaven of hell, and a hell of a heaven. The universe isn’t evil it is just indifferent and it will remain so. 

But you my dear are always aware and blessed with the immeasurable power to make positive changes in the life’s you touch (especially mine). And top of that you made it look effortless with tour undented soul. You are the light in the darkness. Living proof that there is another way. That life can be good. That people can be kind. That a person like me may one day dream of becoming a person like you.

EDIT 1 - 05/12/2021

I wrote this blog in 2018 beginning, now after three years revisiting it affirms my belief even stronger. I  feel like adding to this blog. 

Every couple has a cycle of growing, initially knowing the other half is exciting and then repetitious nature of existence wear off the excitement. Celebrating different dates (anniversaries, birthday's so pompously) are perhaps a reminder how amazing your partner is.

Remember we discussed how we don't feel so strongly about dates and due to circumstances we could spend only two anniversaries out of six (including this one) together. Well, it is because you are so amazing and knowing you full will take ages. I am still as exited like I was on our first anniversary. Nothing is repetitive with you.  Even the mundane is exiting with you. I will spend all the anniversaries henceforth with you not because the day is special but because it is just another day I don't want to live without you.  Happy anniversary and Happy another day  Soum. 


  1. Wow.. very impressive Avinash..!👏👏👏

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Waaaw , one should learn to appreciate his/her life partner effortlessly like you. I am sure she is the best. Happy Birthday!!

    1. Thank you ... sneha .... its not soumya's birthday today but I wrote this blog on one of her birthday. Shared again because I often forget to express the gratitude due.


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