Micchami Dukkadam


Rituals Without Purpose

I had a basic problem with any kind of rituals is they often adrift from the context. Be it modern world ritual of saying sorry or traditional ritual of touching feet. 

Consequence: A hollow sorry or disrespectful feet touching. 

Our ancient religions it seems are ardent believers  of second chances be it use of gangajal to wash sins or Micchami Dukkadam or shama yachna for washing harsh words, deeds or actions. 

These ritual to a layman with bit of common sense like me looks like they are systematic opportunity provided to human beings to start afresh.  I can say for sure the purpose can't be to tell you keep doing what you are doing and just say micchami dukkadam at the year end. It is a window to introspect, it is a rewind button. 

Practice in  Reality 

When i talk to fellow Jains they often ask did you kept fast. I did two he did three fast etc.As if it is competition to show your patriotism towards your religion. I wanted to laugh at this but end up being sad. 

Doing things as ritual suck out every ounce of meaning from the activity. I think this is the year I will not succumb to societal norms. If I will call people to say micchami dukkadam I will try to mean it with the promise to be more vigilant about my word, deeds and actions in future..... 

If you feel I was not genuine when I said this to you, probably I am not but I sure took a baby step .  Lets bring the context back into our rituals ...... Let Savvatsari a start for this. 

Your relation with god is yours and no society can decide weather you are doing it correctly or not. If you feel like doing 5 fast do it 10 no problem not at all it is your choice ... 

God will not be offended trust me!!!! He will love you the way he used to ....... He is not petty like religious supremacist you encounter everyday. 

I cannot say micchami dukkadam for everything I said or did but for this blog I can. 

If this blog offended you in any way micchami dukkadam ....... the intention genuinely was not to offend.. trust me....  


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