Eat, Sleep & Smile
Dear Baby, The moment you will arrive in this world society will start giving you certificates, approvals and disapprovals. Some for winning, some for not accepting the defeat. Some for living to the fullest and some to live responsibly. Some to be cherish forever and some to create memory. Some will make us feel proud of you, some will make you confident. At some point you may believe these certificates are necessary for your existence. Let me tell you a secret- They are not!!! They sure provide some temporary anchors but it's a choice to stop them from becoming chains. It’s never too late to be whoever you want to be. There is no time limit, you can stop whenever you want. It’s a choice to change or stay the same. World may tell you that you can’t, but there are actually no rules to this thing. We can make the best and worst of it. I hope you make best of it. And I hope you see the things that startle and amaze you. I hope you feel new things in your life. I hope you meet...
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